Roasted Cauliflower Soup

Thanks to Ann K. for this fantastic and easy recipe! Can be made vegan or vegetarian with veggie stock (try Rapunzel Vegetable Bouillon for a store-bought version if you don't have any homemade.)

 1 head cauliflower, cut into small florets (remove core)
 Zest from 1 lemon
 Salt & Pepper
 Additional spices (to taste): curry powder, Chinese 5-spice powder, or Greek Seasoning
 Olive or Sunflower Oil
 2 quarts (8 cups) chicken or veggie stock, warmed


Turn your oven to 400 degrees.


Wash, then chop cauliflower into small florets. Easy way to do this-- turn cauliflower head upside down and remove and discard outer leaves. Using a sharp knife, slice out a "cone" around the center stalk-- the florets will tumble around.


Toss the florets with lemon zest, salt, pepper, any dried spice blends if using, and olive oil.


Roast cauliflower at 400 for 25 mins, tossing once to avoid burning.


Once cooled a bit, pop all the roasted cauliflower into your Vitamix or blender, and add one quart warmed chicken or veggie stock. Purée until smooth, and then return to stock pot.


Add one additional quart of stock to pot, and bring to a simmer. Season to taste, and serve warm.