Subscription Terms With Flexibility
Even with a commitment to a 22-week subscription, there are also flexible terms
Vacation Weeks
Traveling this summer? Not to worry -- you can put a hold on your share! We just need to know by the Saturday prior to your missed week that you'll be gone -- just one week's notice. We'll know not to order in any goods for your share that week, and upon your return you will have a store credit in your account as the "refund" for the missed share. You can take up to 4 vacation weeks per season.
Store credits can be used in the online shop or for items at pick-up.
flexible pick-up options
When you sign up, we ask you to select a primary pick-up point. This helps us with our truck packing counts and staffing for each route. There maybe a time or two that you have a last minute conflict -- running late from work, soccer game, or you lost track of time and want to hang at the pool a little bit longer, etc. Or, you're scheduled pick-up is usually Friday and you're going on a weekend trip that you want to take your food with you on and need to pick-up early.
Not to worry -- we know these things happen, so we pack the trucks with extra omnivore, vegetarian and vegan shares to give a little flexibility. If you have a last minute change of plans, you are welcome to pick-up at any location, Wednesday through Saturday [before or after your scheduled pick-up day] to receive your share.
Since we pack extras on the trucks, you don't need to notify us and you'll check-in with the Greeter team as if it were your usual pick-up point!
Where can you pick-up? Check out one of our 20+ summer locations. East-side, West-side and South-ish / Akron area. Full list of location details by day + time can be found HERE.

send a friend, family member or neighbor in your place
You missed the vacation hold deadline or you had a last minute vacation pop-up. What to do now? Send a friend, family member or neighbor in your place. You can still receive your scheduled weekly goods by sending someone in your place. All they need to know is the name and email address associated with your account. They can also pick-up at any one of our 20+ locations.
Share the goodies with someone you know or they can help store the groceries for you while you're unexpectedly away.
cancellation policy
We think you'll really enjoy our program, however, if for any reason you need to cancel you can do so at any time. We just need at least one-week's notice to make the change.
If you paid in full, you will receive a refund for the shares you did not receive. If you are on the weekly payment plan, your auto-payments will end once the share is cancelled.