Parker’s Take on Dragon Tongue Beans

Consider using Dragon Tongue Beans as shelling beans. Recently when I was doing a cooking demonstration at the Downtown Farmers Market I spoke with a couple of people from Peru. They were very interested in the Dragon Tongue beans, surprised that I was blanching the beans and using the pods as well as the beans.…

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Summer Share 2014 – Week 11

This week, you will receive either slicing tomatoes or heirlooms (pictured below).  If you get heirlooms, be advised that they may look pretty ugly, but they taste amazing!  You will either get blueberries or blackberries depending on what you got last week. The squash will be 2 of any number of summer squash-zucchini, ishtar, patty…

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Summer Share 2014 – Week 10

Some routes will see substitutions for corn due to rain. Some routes will receive blackberries and others will receive blueberries. Small Omnivore   Small Vegetarian/Vegan   Large Omnivore   Large Vegetarian

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Summer Share 2014 – Week 9

Small Omnivore and Vegetarian (both are the same this week) Romano beans instead of Dragon Tongue beans at some stops. Small Vegan     Large Omnivore     Large Vegetarian

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Summer Share 2014 – Week

This week’s bag may have assorted types of lettuce.  Pictured below is the butter lettuce. Be sure to read the newsletter about the potatoes! Small Omnivore Small Vegetarian Small Vegan  Large Vegetarian

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Summer Share 2014 – Week 7

Small Omnivore Small Vegetarian   Small Vegan same as vegetarian this week Large Omnivore Large Vegetarian Raspberries did not come in as planned. Extra blueberries will be subbed this week.

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Summer Share 2015 – Week 4

Summer Newsletter Week 4 Dear robert, Week 4 is here, and we are starting to see more of the spring veggies. We have peas this week, which we usually see earlier in June. The cool weather has everything behind this year.  The larges and vegetarians will also see green beans.   Next Monday is our…

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