Pea Shoots & Radishes

Pea shoots or pea tendrils are the “climbers” on a pea plant.  They grow up the netting vertically and don’t have flowers on them (flowers form pods.) Pea shoots are extremely popular in the UK as a salad green. They are tender and flavorful raw.  They are also useful in a stir fry or as garnish…

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OK, so I’m behind the times…

Yes, truthfully this is my first blog entry ever. Oh, and I’m not using spell check…watch out. So things are getting pretty exciting around Fresh Fork lately. If I may be so corny to use food analogies, we’ve moved beyond the sprouting stage to the actual growing stage. I’m continually shocked at how many folks…

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Fresh Fork Market’s New Season

(3/31/2009) Well, it’s getting to be about that time! It’s warming up and the sun is coming out more (except for having to get ice off of my car the past two mornings) and it’s looking more and more like spring is ready to take over from winter! I must say that I am quite…

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