Winter Share 2012-13- Week 10

Pork chops, frozen green beans, frozen strawberries, oats, and more This week we continue to dive into our frozen stash. The jewel this week is frozen strawberries from Maurer’s Fruit Farm. These will pair very nicely in a smoothie with some delicious Velvet View Yogurt or as a sauce to drizzle over pork chops, or…

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Winter Share 2012-13 – Week 9

Freedom Rangers, Peas, Dragon-tongue Beans, Carrots, Rhutabagas, Potatoes, and more This week’s special ingredient is something that we are very excited to offer.  It is a heritage breed chicken called a Freedom Ranger.  Our usual chicken, the Cornish Cross, is the typical commercial meat bird.  It has more white meat and large breasts.  The genetics…

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Winter Share 2012-13 – Week 3

This week is both a Winter CSA delivery and the Thanksgiving turkey/package delivery.  Please double check the pickup days and times.   I have tried to plan the Week 3 Winter CSA accordingly, being that you just picked up week 2 a few days ago and Thanksgiving is around the corner…and no one needs to…

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Winter Share 2012-13 – Week 1

I’m going to be on the radio Friday, again on Saturday, and on TV on Monday.  Lots of Fresh Fork out there!  Mostly all about our Thanksgiving packages, which are selling fast. Oh, and if you are interested in coming to tonight’s beer dinner, we had a few last minute cancelations.  I have about 5…

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Winter Weather and Bag Planning

This wet weather is great…no kidding!      I’m excited about this wet weather.  It really is awful to work in, but it buys us time.  The alternative is a hard, killing frost.  We’ve had a few frosts, but not the worst damage.  I’ll explain below. This week is a full moon.  But I doubt you’ll see it.…

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Summer Share 2012 – Week 21

New cheese, rutabagas, spelt flour and rosemary linguini, and more  I’m very excited about the cheese in this week’s bag.  One of my producers, Aden Keim, had sprung a surprise on me last spring when he told me that he was finishing building a goat creamery.  I was shocked because I had figured he might…

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Summer Share 2012 – Week 13

Small CSA Share 1 bunch cylindra beets (longer than traditional red beets) 1 quart whole milk yogurt 1 spaghetti squash 1 acorn squash 1 cantaloupe or 1 pint blackberries 1 bag mixed peppers or zucchini/squash (or possible substitute…squash shut off this week) 1 lb red fortune plums (Friday and Saturday customers got these last week) 2 lb…

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Summer Share 2012 – Week 7

Week 7 Summer CSA Package Sweet corn is here, more apricots, and whole wheat linguini July 17, 2012 For anyone who came to the Taste of Tremont, you know it is time for corn. My staff grilled up almost 1,800 ears of corn in under 8 hrs…on charcoal….with an inch and a half of rain…

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Summer Share 2012 – Week 6

Week 6 Summer CSA Package Chickens, blueberries, apricots, cabbage, and more July 9, 2012 Thankfully this week is looking a little cooler! Man that heat was tough on my crew, the farmers working in the fields, and the produce. Anyhow, this week we are going to feature whole chickens. Last week, oh about 3% of…

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Summer Share 2012- Week 5

This week we have a very special bag.  Our second batch of chickens are arriving and they look great.  We also have a good selection of pork roasts from our pasture raised,  Berkshire hogs. For those of you who missed our Chicken 101 Workshops with Parker Bosley, you may want to check out this blog…

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