Trevor Clatterbuck
Founder and Owner
To this day I get asked almost weekly if I grew up on a farm or worked as a chef. I chuckle and say no. In fact, I never even washed dishes in a restaurant. I grew up in a small steel town in northern West Virginia, worked at a gas station and a model train store, and played roller hockey in my spare time. I first came to Cleveland in 2004 as a freshman at Case Western Reserve University. There, I studied Business Management and Political Science. I was expecting to go to law school. Then in the summer of 2007 I attended the Entrepreneurship Education Consortium. Myself and three other students – not even friends at that point – were challenged to come up with a business idea that was viable for Northeast Ohio. We did and upon graduation I stuck with the business, through its many challenges and changes. So to sum it up, all I know about farming, cooking, and food distribution is purely from hands-on experience. I work daily with the most passionate people I know – small farmers, talented chefs, and retail customers who care. I learn something from all of them, and find answers to my questions as they pop up.

Director of Operations
Lauren has lived in Cleveland her entire life but it wasn’t until she studied at Baldwin Wallace University that she was first introduced to environmental sustainability. She learned about Fresh Fork Market when a friend saw them at Earth Day. She emailed Trevor and was invited to help out at Farm Fair in 2013. She was so intrigued with the business, that she asked if there was room for her in the summer season. From there her passion for the local food movement began to grow. Eating locally is not only healthier, but allows us to support local farmers and keep money and jobs in NE Ohio.
The every day work of this job is a ton of fun. No two days are ever the same! Learning about products that are being made locally and local farmers is a part of her job that she's very fortunate to have. She also loves seeing how excited our customers get when they know there’s something in their bag they’ve never tried. Being a vegetarian, she gets just as excited as they do when there’s a new product. The excitement and passion from everyone she works with is infectious and continues to grow each week. She can’t wait to see what this new season brings!

Customer Service & Office Manager

Produce Hauler + Delivery Route Driver
If you ask Connor what his title/roll is here, he’ll respond with “Warehouse Shenanigans” …which is honestly pretty accurate. Connor is a man about town for FFM, from driving to packing, he does it all. He’s been with us going on 7 years! He was looking for work, and contacted one of our suppliers, Clark Pope. Clark was not hiring, but he told Connor that he knew a man that needed a lot of work done. That man was Trevor, and the rest is history! (Does this story seem a bit familiar? That’s because it’s pretty similar to how Lauren got involved with FFM. Someone Lauren/Connor knew told them about a man who seemed like he needed help…that man was Trevor!)
There are a bunch of things that Connor loves about working here, the freedom of the road, serving our community good food that they enjoy (and are sometimes baffled by…let’s be real, we’ve all, at some point, looked at a celeriac and thought “??? What is that ???”), and the relaxed but serious nature of the warehouse. Connor, like the rest of us, thrives in a fast-paced, think-on-your-feet, engaged environment. He brings a lot of light and laughter to our team!
When Fresh Fork isn’t calling, Connor enjoys gaming, going on calming walks with his lovely wife, Larissa, and just generally relaxing in his downtime. He has a couple of go to spots around Cleveland, B-Spot for burgers, SASA for sushi, and Chagrin Reservation for fantastic walks.
Favorite FFM product? For Connor, it’s the beef, bacon, and burger patties. He’s always in the mood to grill out, hotdogs alongside cheeseburgers are the way to go! His favorite veggie? Asparagus and lettuce. Connor says “Greens all the way…except brussels sprouts! Never, never, never brussels sprouts!”.
You can catch Connor hauling meat from the processor every Monday, driving the truck all around town for deliveries, bopping in and out of the cooler and freezer as he loads trucks, on the back of the truck finishing up totes and tracking down special orders…laughing and cracking jokes the whole time! If you see him, let him know your favorite walking spot in the Metroparks, he and Larissa will probably end up checking it out for their next walk!

Produce Hauler + Delivery Route Driver

Produce Hauler + Delivery Route Driver

Packer + Greeter

Packer + Greeter

Bookkeeping & Office Admin

Parker Bosley
Chef in Residence
Parker Bosley was the founder and co-owner of Parker’s New American Bistro in Cleveland before retiring at the end of 2006. He worked as a chef and local foods advocate for more than 20 years. He now works full time with small scale farms throughout Ohio. He is a consultant to people interested in sustainable food and farming. As a chef and restaurant owner he focused on local, seasonal food. After more than 20 years in the restaurant business he was able to boast of nearly 100% local, seasonal products being used in his establishment.
Several of the young chefs who trained under his direction are now following his example. Bosley’s work and advocacy have been featured in The New York Times, Gourmet Magazine and the Wall Street Journal as well as numerous agriculture publications. For eight years Bosley worked for North Union Farmers Market, a non-profit organization that manages producer-only market sites in the Greater Cleveland area. He served as a farmer recruiter and trainer. He organized, opened and managed the farmers’ market at Crocker Park for three years. Bosley was graduated from Baldwin-Wallace College. He lived and worked in France during several periods of time from 1965-1983. It was the influence of French regional cooking based on local ingredients that inspired him to promote sustainable food and farming in the U. S. He grew up on a dairy farm in Trumbull County and is now very comfortably returning to his work in rural Ohio. His work has made him one of the most important advocates of local food and local agriculture is theMidwest. He believes that local, small scale farming can flourish if farmers focus on the growing consumer base that is seeking good, safe, nutrient dense foods which are available only from real farms. He believes that grass production has become as important to the consumer as organic production once was. He suggests that grass production will become the leader in local foods. He is an advocate of specialty breeds and advocates for the revival of old style pure bred stock. He is a member of the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. Recently, he was appointed as program director of Innovative Farmers of Ohio. He organized and implemented ``Ohio: Our Farms Our Food.`` This program addresses issues of consumer education and training of farmers for specialty production and direct marketing. As the interest in local seasonal food continues to increase Bosley believes that he can lead cooks back to the kitchen where great meals and great nutrition can send our food dollars back to Ohio farms while bring family and friends to the family dinner table where they will be nourished by healthy food, good conversations and a really sense of belonging to America’s food revolution.