What amount do I owe?
Pricing varies by season and package option. Chere HERE for summer details and HERE for winter. Your subscription confirmation email will also include the price.
For upfront payment option only - there is a check discount. The price listed on the website is the check price. There is a 3% fee for credit card charges.
do i have to pay by credit card?
As part of the sign up process, you will be prompted to store a credit card on file. Your card information is securely store with our third party processor, authorize.net. There is no payment due at the time of sign up (check you confirmation email for the payment due date).
Your card on file will only be charged in the event that you accrue and overdue balance. Each subscription payment and purchase for extra items has a due date. You can pay the balance of by check/cash BEFORE the due date to avoid charges on your credit card for the upfront seasonal payment option only.
We accept check payments via mail (3800 Woodland Ave, Cle, OH 44115) and at any scheduled pickup location. Please note that the mail can be quite delayed nowadays and that this extra time should be accounted for when sending payment. You are welcome to stop by one of our Winter Locations to pre-pay for Summer and any Summer Location to pre-pay for Winter. To avoid credit card charges, we must receive payment BEFORE the due date (we are unable to accommodate refunds for delayed mail).
When is payment due?
Each line item in your account is associated with a due date. Weekly payments automatically get charged to the card on file the Sunday before pick up.
If paying by check/cash for an upfront payment, our office must receive payment before the season start date. Check your confirmation email for payment due date.
i bought extras at the truck when i picked up my share & didn't have cash
No worries, this is a great use of the credit card on file and we can add an invoice to your account for the items purchased. By the end of the day, our system will see that you have an overdue balance and your card on file will be charged the amount of the outstanding invoice. Purchases made at the back of the truck will appear as an "Invoice" line item on the main view of your account (below subscription payments).
- Prices listed reflect a cash/check discount. A 3% service fee applied to all credit/debit card payments.
- A credit card on file is required for all subscriptions. Please note that your card will only be charged if/when you accrue an overdue balance. Every subscription and add-on order has a due date listed on the "Packages" tab of your account. Credit card prices are listed in red.
- Your card information is not saved directly with Fresh Fork Market, rather it is securely saved with our third-party credit card processor (authorize.net).
- For upfront payments only, you can mail us a check (3800 Woodland Ave, Cleveland, OH, 44115) or bring your cash/check payment when you pick-up your bag. We will send you a confirmation email once your payment is received via mail.
- Please note that mail times are unpredictable right now. To honor Early Bird pricing and subscription payment dates paid by check, we must receive your payment by the due date. We are unable to accommodate payment "post mark" dates, as the system is set up to charge a card on file once an invoice date has passed. We are unfortunately unable to change this and will not be issuing refunds for credit card fees charged if your check was received late. Thank you for your understanding.
- You may also drop off payment during one of the scheduled winter pickup weeks at any of the locations listed HERE. It's best to stop by towards the end of the time frame. List of dates for the winter season can be found HERE.