
Asparagus is a lovely sight to see: it means that Spring has finally sprung, and for the few weeks that these tender spears are around, they dominate the menus at local food restaurants, and hopefully, your kitchen! They make a great starter, a wonderful additional to a salad, can be grilled, roasting or puréed into soup.…

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We have two types of Kohlrabi you’ll see over the Summer: purple and green. For many people, joining a CSA like Fresh Fork is an opportunity to try new vegetables, and this might be one of them. It’s actually a delicious root, with a similar texture and taste to a broccoli stalk, and can be…

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Purple Filet Beans

The purple filet beans are the very best.  More tender than a typical green bean.  Yes, they do turn green when blanched in boiling salted water for about four minutes. Pinch off the ends of the beans where they were attached to the plant.  After blanching, refresh in ice water and spin them dry. A few minutes…

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Sweet Corn

If you have enjoyed fresh sweet corn and want to move on to over vegetables like the excellent filet beans consider removing the kernels from the cobs and freezing the corn in small zip-lock bags.  You’ll enjoy it this coming winter when you sauté it in butter with salt and pepper. Don’t discard the corn…

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Acorn Squash

Season Fall- Early Winter Storage Dry, away from direct sunlight, refrigeration not needed. Easy Prep Roasting: Preheat oven to 375°F. Cut squash in half from stem to base, and scoop out and discard seeds. Place the squash cut-side up on a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake until tender, about 45-60 minutes. Can also be baked quicker cut…

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