

Cauliflower Pizza Crust is a delicious and sneaky way to sneak in more vegetables to even the pickiest eaters. Follow the directions to make sure you get a crust that sticks together when topped, and then put on whatever you like! A Fall Pizza might have some roasted butternut squash, bacon and red onion rings, a Green pizza might have some halved Brussels Sprouts, a pesto base and zucchini rounds on top, and a triple cheese pizza,... well you get the picture. Have fun! Crust recipe inspired by iFoodReal's Cauliflower Pizza Crust.
Many people who dislike brussels sprouts have just had unfortunately been exposed to poorly-cooked sprouts-- mushy, over-cooked, and bitter. But these tiny cabbages can have a wonderful bite, a nutty flavor, and are packed with healthful benefits if prepared well. Oven roasting at a hight temp is one great method, but here are two variations on braising them on the stove-top.

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