Winter Share 2011-12 – Week 10

Pork Roast, Raspberry Jalapeno Jam, Pasta, Cabbage, Turnips, Apples

This week I’m really excited about.  The centerpiece of this week’s bag is a large pork shoulder roast (which puts me a bit over budget so we may have to adjust next week).  We have boston butt roasts, boneless sirloin roasts, and boneless arm roasts.

A few weeks back I experimented with marinating one of these roasts and cooking it off with cabbage and turnips, hence where the recipes come from this week.  The results were fantastic. We’ll have those instructions in the newsletter.

We also have a few preserved items this week, including Pappy’s Peppers (yes, the same guy who makes the fantastic pepper butter).  We have his hot and is mild banana pepper slices.  These will go well on a sandwich, homemade pizza, or with pasta.

The second preserved item is a tasty raspberry jalapeno jam from Ann’s Raspberry Farm in Fredrickstown OH. They have taken this item to the Good Food Awards in California twice now and have won awards both years.  It is a fantastic jam.

Here’s all of this week’s bag contents:


Winter CSA Wk 10:

1 pork roast

1 half pint raspberry jalapeno jam

1/2 lb mixed salad greens

1 pt pickled banana peppers, hot or medium

Frozen fruit (cantaloupe or watermelon, great for smoothies)

1 head cabbage

2 lbs turnips

1 lb cracked black pepper linguini

quarter peck Fuji apples

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