Week 20 — Summer 2023

 Link to this week's --> NEWSLETTER <-- Putting the Bees to Bed & The Wonderful World of Cover Crops

Small Omnivore

Yukon Gold Potatoes (3#)
Celeriac (1 bulb)
Green Kale (1# bunch)
Butternut Squash (1)
Broccoli (1)
Apple Cider (half gallon)
Jonagold Apples (5-6)
Pork Chops (~1.3#, 2 chops)


Small Vegetarian

Yukon Gold Potatoes (3#)
Celeriac (1 bulb)
Green Kale (1# bunch)
Butternut Squash (1)
Broccoli (1)
Apple Cider (half gallon)
Jonagold Apples (5-6)
Bosc Pears (5-6)
Mushrooms (8oz)


Small Vegan

Yukon Gold Potatoes (3#)
Celeriac (1 bulb)
Green Kale (1# bunch)
Butternut Squash (1)
Broccoli (1)
Apple Cider (half gallon)
Jonagold Apples (5-6)
Bosc Pears (5-6)
Mushrooms (8oz)


Large Omnivore

Yukon Gold Potatoes (3#)
Celeriac (1 bulb)
Green Kale (1# bunch)
Butternut Squash (1)
Broccoli (1)
Apple Cider (half gallon)
Jonagold Apples (5-6)
Pork Chops (~1.3#, 2 chops)
Sweet Italian Fryer Peppers (2)

Slicer Tomatoes (1.5#)
Delicata Squash (1-2)
Ground Beef (1#)



Large Vegetarian

Yukon Gold Potatoes (3#)
Celeriac (1 bulb)
Green Kale (1# bunch)
Butternut Squash (1)
Broccoli (1)
Apple Cider (half gallon)
Jonagold Apples (5-6)
Bosc Pears (5-6)
Mushrooms (8oz)
Sweet Italian Fryer Peppers (2)

Slicer Tomatoes (1.5#)
Delicata Squash (1-2)
Spaghetti Squash (1)
Eggs (1 doz)




Yukon Gold Potatoes (3#)
Celeriac (1 bulb)
Green Kale (1# bunch)
Apple Cider (half gallon)
Cauliflower (1)