Grass-Fed Beef

OK, no beating around the bush here. If you like your beef cooked well, just throw this meat out now.  It’s not meant to be enjoyed well done.  Steaks should be medium at most; roasts cooked slow with moisture; and ground is A‐OK dark pink in the middle and juicy. The meat is slightly sweet, lean and has a very natural…

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Summer Share 2010 – Week 7

Small CSA Contents: – 1 dz organic free range eggs – 1 bunch green onions – 1 bunch baby carrots with tops – 2 yellow squash – 2 zucchini – 2 lbs apricots – 1 lb garlic chive pasta – 1 bunch radishes with tops – 1 lb organic grassfed ground beef Vegetarian and Vegan…

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Cooking a grassfed beef steak

Get your grill hot.  Real hot.  Most grills in restaurants are 500 degrees or greater. Rub your steak with the seasonings you desire. Only use a little salt if you do.  Salt will pull the moisture out of the steak.  Allow seasonings to soak in for 30 minutes at room temperature. Get your grill grate very clean and rub it quickly with oil.  Put your…

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Summer Share 2010- Week 5

Small CSA Contents: – 1 bunch beets with tops – 2 ct green zucchini – 2 ct summer squash – 1 slicing cucumber – 1 sweet onion – 1 lb green beans – 1 bunch “red lights” swiss chard – 1 head red oakleaf lettuce – 2 lb white cherries – 2 lb organic cornmeal…

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Summer Share 2010 – Week 4

Small CSA Contents: – 1 lb whole wheat linguini – 1 stalk green garlic – 1 head kaboko cabbage – 1 bunch kale – 1 bunch collard greens – 1 bunch mustard greens – 1 piece raw‐milk “swiss havarti” – 1 lb red cherries – 1 lb white cherries – 1 half gallon milk or…

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Macerated Berries

As you have likely discovered, fresh fruits have essentially no shelf life. Fortunately, especially if you have little ones, you probably don’t have to even worry about the berries making it all the way home from your pick up! To make the most of your fruit, try a technique known as maceration. Simply chop the fruit into small…

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Summer Share 2010 – Week 3

Small CSA Contents: – 1 whole roasting chicken, 4‐5 lbs – 1 bunch green onions – 1 bunch red beets w/ tops – 1 bunch white radishes – 1 bunch garlic scapes – 1 bunch spinach – 1 head soil grown romaine – 1 dozen free range organic eggs – 1 quart strawberries Large Add‐Ons…

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Summer Share 2010 – Week 2

Small CSA Contents: – 2 lb Hartzler salted butter – 1 lb fresh spinach linguini – 1 bunch garlic scapes – 1 bunch green onions – 1 head Nancy leaf lettuce – 1 bunch spinach – 1 quart honeyoye strawberries – 8 oz goat milk feta cheese – ¼ peck assorted apples (yellow are goldrush,…

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Skim vs 2% vs Whole Milk

Last week I was fascinated by the demand for skim milk…so I thought this week might be a good time to start a conversation about milk. In this section, I’ll cover 3 topics which I find fascinating: – Federal Milk Market Orders (FMMOs) – Pasteurization and Homogonization – The health effects of milk‐fat FMMOs The most fascinating fact…

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Summer Share 2012 – Week 1

Small CSA Contents: – Spinach, 8 oz – Radishes, 1 bunch – Cilantro, 1 bunch – Leaf Lettuce, 1 head – Pea Shoots (4 oz) – Grass‐grazed Milk, ½ gallon – Free Range Brown Eggs, 1 dz – Grassfed Blue Gouda, 8 oz – Italian Sausage, 1 lb (4 links) – 4 Sausage buns –…

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