Tomato Guide
If you have tomatoes growing in your garden, tomatoes from your neighbor, tomatoes in your farm share– you might just be plum tuckered out of these Summer beauties. So we put together a guide to give you some tips and tricks for making the most of your haul. “Tomatoes are one of those vegetable-fruits that…

Jar Salads
Jar Salads are an excellent (and cool!) way to prepare a healthy lunch for work or school. The trick is in the layering– if you’re preparing more than a few days ahead, save the dressing to be put on in the morning before you leave the house. This recipe fills a quart sized glass, which…

Guide to Cheeses
You might not know this, but Ohio is the nation’s lead producer of Swiss Cheese. Besides these major cheese productions, however, we also have some amazing small local dairies developing artisanal cheeses all within a stone’s throw of Cleveland, and we are lucky to carry some of their wares and wheys. All of the cheeses we sell– cow’s milk,…

Guide to Making a Great Burger
Chefs and meat heads everywhere argue about forming the best burger. The argument stems from tenderness. We all agree we want tenderness. The problem is some consider tenderness the ability for the burger to break apart in your mouth. I, on the other hand, believe tenderness is related to moisture retention and a slightly chewy…

Guide to Cooking Dried Beans
Parker is the president of the Dried Bean Fan Club here at Fresh Fork, so we wanted to give you his guide to cooking our dried beans. His general advice is to cook the whole package all at once, and then to freeze in individual portions (1-2 cups) in their liquid for easy cooking use.…

Fresh Fork Market’s Sausage Guide
We have a lot of varieties of sausage links and patties at Fresh Fork. Our pasture-raised meats are so delicious, that we keep coming up with new ways to show them off! Also, FYI: we never use MSG or sodium nitrate. Some Helpful Definitions Fresh: a sausage that is raw meat that has not been smoked. Fresh sausages include…

Yogurt: Beyond the Parfait
Plain Yogurt has a whole repertoire of uses beyond the berry, honey and granola parfait (that is, nonetheless, delicious.) You might already know you can swap it for sour cream, mayonnaise, or buttermilk in most recipes, but here are some more not-your-average-uses! Have any other favorite recipes that use yogurt? Please send them our way– we’d love to try them!Try…

Roux How To
A roux is a classic thickener in French Cuisine– it’s a simple combination of melted butter and flour, and then a liquid (with stock, it’s known as a “velouté,” or with milk it’s a “béchamel.”) Find out more about the science behind starches here. This amazing technique will help thicken up your soups, add oomph to…

A Lesson in Pastry Dough from Parker
As we prepared our recipe for Chicken Pot Pies this week, we decided to address one of the often-overlooked elements of this delicious mid-winter dish– the crust. Knowing how to make a decent pie crust should be as essential as knowing how to tie your shoes. Some things you’ll notice in the following variations– it’s…