Bunching Onions

This light-flavored spring bulb onion roasts beautifully, or can be substituted for most recipes that call for shallots.

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Red Russian Kale

This strong and wavy-leafed kale in a great candidate for braising and juicing, rather than a raw salad.

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Lacinato Kale

Also sometimes called Tuscan Kale or Dino Kale, these long broad leaves makes for excellent raw kale salads or kale chips. One of the softer varieties of kale.

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Log Cabin Berries

At Fresh Fork, we’re all nerds at heart, and Tyler Gruskiewicz’s work at Log Cabin Berries is exactly the kind of thing we geek out for. Tyler’s efforts were born as a Future Farmers of America project in high school on two acres of family land. Studying blackberry growing systems and their potential within a diversified…

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Dairy & Eggs

We only carry dairy products from grass grazed animals.  Snowville Creamery supplies our milk and our customers love it as much as we do.  We love it so much, that this is our one exception to the 75 mile radius rule that we maintain for our products.  This high quality milk is not homogenized and is minimally…

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Ohio has some unbelievable fruit, and as a Fresh Forker you’re going to experience the best your state has to offer. Our apples, berries, melons, and more are thoughtfully produced by farmers all within 75 miles of Cleveland. If you haven’t visited some of these farms, you really should.

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Fresh Fork Market suppliers are largely small organic growers.  The average tillable acreage of our vegetable farms is around 1 acre.  The largest farm we work with grows about 30 acres of “specialty crops.” These producers want to grow organically because it make sense for the health of their farm and for their income statement!…

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