summer share 2023 : May 31 - Oct. 28
- 22 weeks of local fruits and vegetables
- 2023 Dates: May 31 - October 28
- 20+ convenient pick-up locations
- Deliveries Wednesday through Saturday
- Small, Large & Mini weekly shares
- Omnivore, Vegetarian, and Vegan options
- Pasture Raised Meats (Chicken, Pork, Beef)
- Access to our online shop with a current season subscription
- Includes: Eggs, Dairy, Meats, Extra Produce, Baked & Canned Goods, Grains & more
- Just-harvested, fresh & high quality goods

Large Vegetarian Bag (mid-season)
"This is my third summer with Fresh Fork. I love the variety of fresh produce. I’ve subscribed to both the small and mini shares. Fresh Fork has inspired me to find ways to use new ingredients and I have found new favorites that I would not have otherwise tried. I love being able to support local farms, knowing where my food is coming from and being able to eat in season. And of course the food tastes so much better than conventional grocery store produce."- Brittany Ann
- Our most popular share size. It's great for a variety of lifestyles - individuals, couples & small families.
- Depending on how often you cook at home, this may be just right or maybe not enough. For more veggies/fruit, some families opt for the vegetarian share (even though they eat meat), so they can receive more produce items in place of the meat. Once you have an active subscription, you have access to our online shop where you can pick-and-choose extra meat items as needed.
- If you find this share is not enough, we can always upgrade your share size to a large. Just contact the office and we'll get this taken care of for you!
- Seven to ten locally-grown seasonal items per week
- Omnivore, Vegetarian or Vegan shares available
- Omnivore bag will include one pasture raised meat item per week most weeks (if the produce starts coming on heavy mid-summer, there may be a few weeks where the bags do not include a meat.)
- Vegetarian & Vegan bags will include additional produce, fruit and/or value added items in place of the meat item in the omnivore bag
- We are unable to make substitutions for meat products in the Omnivore. If you do not eat all meat types, please select the veggie bag. You can purchase extra meats a la carte once you have a current subscription.
- Weekly Payment -- 22 payments of $37 per week
- Upfront price = $770 [$35 per week when paid in full at the beginning of the season]
- Great for larger families and the individual/couple that is adventurous in the kitchen. This share starts with the Small Share as the base package, and then adds on a variety of extra veggies, fruits & value added items (canned goods, eggs, cheese, etc.). For even more produce/fruit, customers opt for the Vegetarian share even if they eat meat and purchase extra meats a la carte from the online store as needed.
- If at any time this share size is too much, please contact our office and we can downgrade your share size to the Small for the remainder of the season. We would be happy to do this so you don't feel as though you are wasting any product!
- Ten to sixteen locally-grown seasonal items per week.
- Omnivore or Vegetarian shares available
- Omnivore bag will include one pasture raised meat item per week most weeks (if the produce starts coming on heavy mid-summer, there may be a few weeks where the bags do not include a meat.)
- Vegetarian bags will include additional produce, fruit and/or value added items in place of the meat item in the omnivore bag
- We are unable to make substitutions for meat products in the Omnivore. If you do not eat all meat types, please select the veggie bag. You can purchase extra meats a la carte once you have a current subscription.
- This share size will include gluten and dairy items throughout the season. We have found a majority of customers like these less perishable, value added items included. If you have a gluten or dairy intolerance, please let us know at pickup and we can accommodate a substitution.
- Weekly Payment -- 22 payments of $55.50 per week
- Early Bird Upfront Payment = $1,087.68 (check discount price of $1,056) if paid in full by March 20
- Equates to $49.44 per week
- After March 11th Upfront price = $1,167 (check discount price of $1144)
- Equates to $56.56 per week
- Weekly Payment -- 22 payments of $55 per week
- Upfront price = $1,167 [$53 per week when paid in full at the beginning of the season]
- Our smallest share size + most customizable add-on option. This share is a result of customer feedback that the small share was too large, but they still wanted access to the online shop for pasture raised meats, dairy, eggs, fruits, grains, preserves & more. This share is a smaller base package of perishable items and the price includes FFM store credits that give you access to the online shop throughout the entire season.
- Four to five locally-grown seasonal vegetable and produce items per week
- Includes $200 FFM store credits for the full season
- Store credits are available in total the first week of the season. You can spend as little or as much each week. Credits are non-refundable and expire at the end of the season.
- Weekly Payment -- 22 payments of $37 per week
- Upfront price = $770 [$35 per week when paid in full at the beginning of the season]
20+ Pick-up locations
Everything comes from small, family-run farms within 75 miles of Cleveland. We deliver your share to your neighborhood-- we pack all the food up in our refrigerated trucks and drive to 20+ different pick up locations throughout the greater Cleveland area every week Wednesday - Saturday.
Every week is different and we try to create a "theme" and/or center of the plate item to build the bag around and give you ingredients that are complimentary to each other. Check out our BAG CONTENTS of the past HERE.
With an active season subscription, you'll have access to online shop that's full of hundreds of items that can be purchased ahead of time. Extra items include a variety of items -- extra produce/fruit, pasture raised frozen meats, baked goods, canned goods, milk, eggs, cheeses, yogurt & more! Just place your order by end of day Tuesday and it will be available that week with your regular share! Forgot to place an order? We pack our truck with some staple items -- milk, eggs, ground meat, sausages, butter, canned goods, baked goods, etc. -- that can be invoiced to your account at pick-up!
food allergies
We accommodate substitutions for the following: eggs, wheat and dairy during the Summer season. At check-in, just let the Greeter know you have an allergy for these items and we will have a substitute of similar value available. Unfortunately, due to product supply, we are unable to make substitutions during the Winter season.
vacation credits
Each customer can take up to 4 weeks vacation. When you return, the value of your bag will be added to your account as a credit. Weekly payments will still process even with a vacation added in your account -- credits will be issued upon your return. Credits can be used to buy extras online or at the back of the truck upon your return. Credits cannot be applied towards subscription payments, previous purchases, Thanksgiving/holiday orders and expire at the end of the season. Don't sit on the credits for too long. If left untouched for 4 calendar weeks after returning, credits lose 50% value. Once you spend at least $1 within 4 weeks, credits remain at full value until you spend them in full. Click here to read more.
Change Package Options
If you're new to Fresh Fork, we always recommend starting with the small share. It's a great base package for individuals, families and couples. And if you're new to the CSA-like model, there can be a learning curve with all these great, fresh products you're receiving. If you feel like you have a handle on the small share and want to upgrade to the large share, we can accommodate that! If the large share has become a bit much and you aren't making you're way through all the food, you can downgrade to the small. It's an easy switch -- just send us an email. We'll honor any "Early Bird" rates for either switch if you originally signed up during that time frame and you'll receive a credit / invoice accordingly for the difference.
You can also make a one-time switch to a different food preference (omnivore, vegetarian, vegan). Just send us this request via email.
Refunds/cancellations can be requested if you find the share is not working out for you. Cancellation requests must be received with 1 week's notice. Note: credit card fees are not refundable. If you are on a weekly payment plan, your plan will be cancelled and the auto-pay will no longer process.
Want to talk to somebody before you sign up? Call 800-861-8582 or shoot us an email:
Example Summer Share Bags

Week 15 – Small Vegetarian: Eggplant, Collards, Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Hot Hungarian Peppers, Slicing Tomatoes, Baby Heirloom Tomatoes, Italian Plums, Butternut Squash

Week 7 – Small Omnivore Bag: Young Potatoes, Blueberries, Candy Onion, Whole Chicken, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Beets, Snow Peas

Week 11 – Vegan:– Green Peppers, Sweet Corn, Basil, Hot Hungarian Peppers, Eggplant, Carrots, Candy Onion, Spaghetti Squash, Tomatoes, Watermelon

Week 6 – Large Omnivore Bag: – Lettuce, Candy Onion, Zucchini, Red Cabbage, Rainbow Chard, Celery, Young Potatoes, Whole Chicken, Pork Tenderloin, Tomatoes, Cherries, Collards
Want to give the gift of local food? This is the perfect present for anyone in your life who loves to cook, wants to eat healthy and participate in their local food economy. To buy a gift certificate, just send us an email (info@freshforkmarket) to let us know the lucky recipient's name, their email address and how many weeks you'd like to buy for them.
We offer Omnivore, Vegetarian & Vegan Shares in multiple sizes. Each week is different, and you'll get to enjoy eating along with the changing harvests. The season starts out green (lots of leafy vegetables), gets colorful (tomatoes and berries), and ends down-right back breaking heavy (squash, melons and cabbage).