Week 11 – Winter Share 2019/20
Omnivore Pumpkin Bisque Soup Croutons Potatoes Turnips Frozen Strawberries Frozen Blueberries Chuck Roast Chicken Bones Vegetarian Pumpkin Bisque Soup Croutons Potatoes Turnips Frozen Strawberries Frozen Blueberries Frozen Sweet corn Lettuce Flat Rock Cheese Eggs
Week 10 – Winter Share 2019/20
Omnivore Ramen Noodles Carrots Onion Rutabaga Blueberries Apples Blueberry Bread Pudding Stock Marinated Pork Belly Vegetarian Ramen Noodles Carrots Onion Rutabaga Blueberries Apples Blueberry Bread Pudding Frozen Green Beans Frozen Cauliflower Rice Pierogies Napa Cabbage
Week 9 – Winter Share 2019/20
Omnivore Eggs Lettuce Frozen Corn Frozen Mixed Berries Beets Sweet Potatoes Onion Carrots Bacon Breakfast Patties Pork Chops Vegetarian Eggs Lettuce Frozen Corn Frozen Mixed Berries Beets Sweet Potatoes Carrots Onion Apple Tofu Canned Peaches
Week 8 – Winter Share 2019/20
Omnivore Frozen Strawberries Salsa Black Beans Shagbark Corn Chips Lettuce Apples Potatoes – 3# Onion Chicken Wings Chicken Drumsticks Vegetarian Frozen Strawberries Salsa Black Beans Shagbark Corn Chips Lettuce Apples Potatoes – 3# Onion Beets, Golden 2# Turnip Frozen Green Beans
Week 7 – Winter Share 2019/20
Omnivore Vegetarian Omnivore Red Cabbage Spaghetti Squash Carrots Pepper Butter Sweet Corn Eggs Frozen Blueberries Fermented Pickles Ground Beef Ground Pork Vegetarian Red Cabbage Spaghetti Squash Carrots Pepper Butter Sweet Corn Eggs Frozen Blueberries Fermented Pickles Apples Lettuce Black Beans
Week 6 – Winter Share 2019/20
Omnivore Vegetarian Omnivore Cheese and Potato Pierogies Sauerkraut Apples Apple Cider Onion Potatoes Parsnips Lettuce Frozen Sweet Corn Green Onion Brats Vegetarian Cheese and Potato Pierogies Sauerkraut Apples Apple Cider Onion Potatoes Parsnips Lettuce Frozen Sweet Corn Applesauce
Winter Schedule
Winter Week 1: Nov 6 – Nov 9, 2024 Winter Week 2: Nov 13 – Nov 16, 2024 Winter Week 3: Nov 20 – Nov 23, 2024 Winter Week 4: Dec 4 – Dec 7, 2024 Winter Week 5: Dec 18 – Dec 21, 2024 Winter Week 6: Jan 1 – Jan 4, 2025 *schedule…
Week 5 – Winter Share 2019/20
Omnivore Onion Rutabaga Beets Carrots Apples Lettuce Frozen Blueberries Cornmeal Eggs Maple Syrup Whole Chicken Vegetarian Onion Rutabaga Beets Carrots Apples Lettuce Frozen Blueberries Cornmeal Eggs Maple Syrup Spinach Granola Yogurt
Week 4 – Winter Share 2019/20
Omnivore Whole Wheat Hamburger Buns Fermented Pickle Chips Butternut Squash x 2 Celeriac Onion Carrots Potatoes 3# Canned Peaches Spinach Chicken Patties Ground Beef Vegetarian Whole Wheat Hamburger Buns Fermented Pickle Chips Butternut Squash x 2 Celeriac Onion Carrots Potatoes 3# Canned Peaches Spinach Apples Eggs Pumpkin Sage Pasta
Week 3 – Winter Share 2019/20
Omnivore Pizza Dough Tomato Sauce Mozzarella Cheese Red Onion Green Cabbage Broccoli Pie Pumpkin Spinach Apples Grape Cider Chicken Italian Links Vegetarian Pizza Dough Tomato Sauce Mozzarella Cheese Red Onion Green Cabbage Broccoli Pie Pumpkin Spinach Apples Grape Cider Bok Choy Acorn Squash
[vc_row type="in_container" bg_position="left top" bg_repeat="no-repeat" scene_position="center" text_color="dark" text_align="left" top_padding="50" bottom_padding="50"][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]Fresh Fork Market is about much more than just groceries. We are building a community around food, full of rich stories, lasting memories, and the passing on of traditional and time-honored practices revolving around food. This is our Blog Pantry, if you will: stored collections of our anecdotes from life on the farm, tricks and tips about food preparation and preservation, and celebrations in and about our community.
Bag Contents
Click here to see our weekly Bag Contents in pictures-- we show off our individual bags, plus have a "This Week's Cast" playbill of all the delicious food in a given week's share.
Trevor's Corner
Trevor-- Found and CEO of Fresh Fork Market-- eats, breathes and sleeps local food. All that time on the road, down in Amish Country, in the warehouse and at the stops has given plenty of stories to share. Click here for a passenger's seat view into Trevor's days.
Make the Most of Your Share
Click here to read our collection of Tips and Tricks essential to help your prepare and enjoy your share with Fresh Fork Market how to store, how to pick, and how to guides to help you make delicious meals every week from your bag.
Featured Product
We have hundreds of products for sale through our buying club, and we are constantly on the look out for the best new producers, makers and growers in the Greater Northeastern-Ohio area. Here is a detailed look at some of our newest products.
Newsletter Archives
Want to look back in time and check out what Fresh Fork was like in previous seasons? Click here to read our archived collection of weekly newsletters.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]