Summer Share 2010 – Week 7

Small CSA Contents: – 1 dz organic free range eggs – 1 bunch green onions – 1 bunch baby carrots with tops – 2 yellow squash – 2 zucchini – 2 lbs apricots – 1 lb garlic chive pasta – 1 bunch radishes with tops – 1 lb organic grassfed ground beef Vegetarian and Vegan…

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Summer Share 2010- Week 5

Small CSA Contents: – 1 bunch beets with tops – 2 ct green zucchini – 2 ct summer squash – 1 slicing cucumber – 1 sweet onion – 1 lb green beans – 1 bunch “red lights” swiss chard – 1 head red oakleaf lettuce – 2 lb white cherries – 2 lb organic cornmeal…

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Summer Share 2010 – Week 4

Small CSA Contents: – 1 lb whole wheat linguini – 1 stalk green garlic – 1 head kaboko cabbage – 1 bunch kale – 1 bunch collard greens – 1 bunch mustard greens – 1 piece raw‐milk “swiss havarti” – 1 lb red cherries – 1 lb white cherries – 1 half gallon milk or…

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Summer Share 2010 – Week 3

Small CSA Contents: – 1 whole roasting chicken, 4‐5 lbs – 1 bunch green onions – 1 bunch red beets w/ tops – 1 bunch white radishes – 1 bunch garlic scapes – 1 bunch spinach – 1 head soil grown romaine – 1 dozen free range organic eggs – 1 quart strawberries Large Add‐Ons…

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Summer Share 2010 – Week 2

Small CSA Contents: – 2 lb Hartzler salted butter – 1 lb fresh spinach linguini – 1 bunch garlic scapes – 1 bunch green onions – 1 head Nancy leaf lettuce – 1 bunch spinach – 1 quart honeyoye strawberries – 8 oz goat milk feta cheese – ¼ peck assorted apples (yellow are goldrush,…

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Summer Share 2012 – Week 1

Small CSA Contents: – Spinach, 8 oz – Radishes, 1 bunch – Cilantro, 1 bunch – Leaf Lettuce, 1 head – Pea Shoots (4 oz) – Grass‐grazed Milk, ½ gallon – Free Range Brown Eggs, 1 dz – Grassfed Blue Gouda, 8 oz – Italian Sausage, 1 lb (4 links) – 4 Sausage buns –…

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