This is a perfect side dish or starter and uses two of the frozen veggies you'll often see in your Winter Shares-- green beans and tomatoes. It also easily doubles for a larger portion-- use a full quart of green beans and a full pint of frozen tomatoes, doubling the rest of the ingredients too. We made an early Summer veggie bowl a few months ago, and it was such a huge hit around here that we decided to make that a seasonal thing. Like it's predecessor, add whatever you have on hand, but for this version we used roasted beets, eggplant and cherry tomatoes with steamed kale as the base, and made a peach vinaigrette to top it all. Add cooked black beans or steamed brown/wild rice to make it a complete meal. Jar Salads are an excellent (and cool!) way to prepare a healthy lunch for work or school. The trick is in the layering-- if you're preparing more than a few days ahead, save the dressing to be put on in the morning before you leave the house. This recipe fills a quart sized glass, which is enough for an entrée sized salad or a light lunch for two.