Winter Share 2011/12 – Week 8
We are officially past the half way point for the winter. How fast it goes by! This week we’ll bring back a taste of summer with some tasty fig vinegar roasted cherry tomatoes. These really captured the flavors of the summer in a jar. Try tossing these with your fresh egg linguini this week or…
Winter Share 2011/12 – Week 5
This week we have a very special package. I was able to get my hands on all kinds of produce (still unbelievable for mid-December) so I took it. This week’s package is going to be extra hearty. I really missed my budget on this one so the next couple packages might be slightly smaller or…
Winter Share 2011/12 – Week 2
Whole chicken, Chorizo, Sweet Potatoes, Lettuce and more It’s time for our second winter CSA package. It IS this week. The schedule is a little goofy at first to get us on schedule for the holidays. We have a pickup this week, then off next week, then special delivery times the week of Thanksgiving (we’ll…
[vc_row type="in_container" bg_position="left top" bg_repeat="no-repeat" scene_position="center" text_color="dark" text_align="left" top_padding="50" bottom_padding="50"][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]Fresh Fork Market is about much more than just groceries. We are building a community around food, full of rich stories, lasting memories, and the passing on of traditional and time-honored practices revolving around food. This is our Blog Pantry, if you will: stored collections of our anecdotes from life on the farm, tricks and tips about food preparation and preservation, and celebrations in and about our community.
Bag Contents
Click here to see our weekly Bag Contents in pictures-- we show off our individual bags, plus have a "This Week's Cast" playbill of all the delicious food in a given week's share.
Trevor's Corner
Trevor-- Found and CEO of Fresh Fork Market-- eats, breathes and sleeps local food. All that time on the road, down in Amish Country, in the warehouse and at the stops has given plenty of stories to share. Click here for a passenger's seat view into Trevor's days.
Make the Most of Your Share
Click here to read our collection of Tips and Tricks essential to help your prepare and enjoy your share with Fresh Fork Market how to store, how to pick, and how to guides to help you make delicious meals every week from your bag.
Featured Product
We have hundreds of products for sale through our buying club, and we are constantly on the look out for the best new producers, makers and growers in the Greater Northeastern-Ohio area. Here is a detailed look at some of our newest products.
Newsletter Archives
Want to look back in time and check out what Fresh Fork was like in previous seasons? Click here to read our archived collection of weekly newsletters.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]